In line with SKBI's focus areas of research in Financial Education & Inclusion, we are proud to partner with the Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center (GFLEC) to power the launch of the G53 Financial Literacy and Personal Finance Research Network (G53 Network).
About G53 Network
The G53 Network brings together the best researchers from all over the world to facilitate the exchange of ideas, promote evidence-based research, and meet the growing urgency for data-driven solutions combat financial illiteracy.
Financial literacy was recently recognized as a distinct academic field of study with its own Journal of Economic Literature code: G53. Inspired by this code, the G53 Financial Literacy and Personal Finance Research Network is named the “G53 Network.” The network also launched with 53 top researchers dedicated to producing high-quality, rigorous academic research on financial literacy, financial education, personal finance and related topics. Former SKBI Director Prof Dave Fernandez is one of the 53 researchers in the network and we invite academics around the world, especially here in Asia, to join us as we delve deeper into this important field of research.
In 2023, they launched the Journal of Financial Literacy and Wellbeing, the first first journal dedicated to financial literacy and personal finance.
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